Northwest Rockhound Retreat
Important...Click here for the latest regarding the Northwest Rockhound Retreat!
September 1st - 7th, 2025
OMSI camp at Hancock Field Station about halfway between Antelope and Fossil, Oregon. This is a weeklong event of learning and sharing.
NW Rockhound Retreat
Walt Butler
8821 SW Equestrian Place
Terrebonne, OR 97760
Important Notice and Tips to view
2025 Registration Form to Open and Print
Information about the NW Rockhound Retreat!
COST FOR “RETREAT” REGISTRATIONRegistration - Cost includes Breakfast and Evening Dinner with a Sack Lunch, sleeping quarters in an A frame cabin, (Bring your own bedding and pillow) (Mattress provided), or Dry Camping for an RV. No hookups available. Tenting is the same price as RV or A frame. If you can’t stay the full time we can break it down by the day. This would mean $57.00 per day, plus the Workshop Fee to take advantage of this great program.. Workshop Cost: $75.00 for Workshop (One fee covers all)– Choose Primary and Secondary’s. We must have a minimum of 20 people register to make it all happen with a maximum of 52. Please send registration in as soon as possible because we must let the camp know by June if we have enough to go. That means at least 20. Help us keep this great activity going. Registration is first come, first served. The “Swap Session” is a place to swap materials, arts, crafts, rocks or anything that someone else might want. No money will change hands, just goods.
LAPIDARY WORKSHOP(Plan to bring your own good quality slabs, or purchase from instructors) We will be teaching beginning cabochon making and also advanced cab making to those qualified cabbers who wish to learn how to make free-form cabs or just learn to be a better cabochon cutter. We can help you if you plan on participating in competition.
WIREWRAPPING WORKSHOPAgain we are addressing the needs of the beginning wrapper but will also be teaching advance techniques such as double units and bracelets. Instructor will have Wire available for you to buy for your projects as well as stones. It would be nice if you brought your own stones to wrap and your own tools. The Instructor, Darlene Wozniak, will try to contact you prior to the Retreat, but if you need more info, e-mail her at |
INTARSIA WORKSHOPThe Instructor will have a kit for your first project that you must purchase. If you have brought your own material, you may use it after finishing the first project. If you do not have your own material, the Instructor will have a limited amount available at a reasonable price. There will be enough equipment to handle at least 10 people. This class will last for a maximum of 2 ½ days so that a second class can be done within the week. Advanced would be available if so desired. METAL TECHNIQUESWorking with mixed metals the student will form, solder and color the jewelry they make in class. Enameling techniques and Etching will also be taught in this class.
DOUBLETS & TRIPLETSIn this class you will learn the art of capping an opal with optical quartz to create a fine gem stone. This will also give you the ability to use quartz caps for other stones and also how to back a stone with colored material to give a stunning background and better show a plume or moss agate, Instructor will be charging for Quartz caps and for cost of Glue or you can purchase kits for a complete project. SILVER SMITHINGA Maximum of 8 students:. Each Student must bring Safety Glasses (Required), and Opti-Visor if needed for close work. All tools and supplies are provided by the Instructor; and a minimal fee will be charged for each project. They will charge you for all Silver and stones that you take from the Instructor’s supply. The tools are for your use based on the per project Fee. This is a basic class with a lot more information available for those that learn fast. |