American Federation of Mineralogical Societies
Club News Articles and Bulletins, Contests for 2025

Any bulletin or article published during the 2023 calendar year can be entered. All entries must be received by February 10th, 2024

To find all artilces regarding any Club articles, Bulletins, and Contects click Here for the update forms at the AFMS Web Site!

American Federation of Mineralogical Societies
Club News Articles and Bulletins,
Contest for 2024

Ever get that surprise phone call out of the blue you never expected, asking you to join a team of highly respected officers and committee people. Well, I just did! Hello, I am Priscilla Hall-Ford, and I have been
asked to be your bulletin aids chairman this year. I am a member of Oregon Agate and Mineral Society out of Portland, Oregon. I was first introduced to rockhounding by my grandparents Bill and Gertrude
Hall when I was about 8 years old. So, one could say I’ve been around rocks all my life. It was a few years after my grandparents and father passed away that my mom wanted to go back to meetings so one
night we decided to go, and I was surprised how many people I remembered. After a couple meetings I joined and soon was asked to take on being the newsletter editor and a year later to fill in as the
secretary and be the Northwest Federation Director. I never thought all those years ago that I would be caring on a family tradition. Besides rockhounding and making cabs, my daughter and I raise goats. We
make goat and sheep milk soap, along with other bath products, to sell at local farmers markets and I sing in a Sweet Adelines woman’s barbershop chorus.

Now I get the privilege to be your bulletin aids chairman. This will be something new for me, so please be patient while I learn the ropes. My goal is to learn quickly so that I can be of help to all of you. Trust
me, if I don’t know the answer to your question, I will find someone who does and get back to you as quickly as possible.

Right now, I need each of you to take a look around your club. Find a bulletin or article published in 2023 that you believe would be a great entry into the AFMS Club News Article and Bulletins Contest. There
have been some revisions made to the AFMS guidelines for 2024. Why, you ask. Well #1. We wanted to make score sheets reflect how newsletters are delivered to members. #2. Clarify parts of some score
sheets. #3. Change rules for juniors to allow them to enter from their home clubs as well as from their juniors’ newsletter, Crack the News. #4. Create a category to include written and drawn items, created
by BEACs.

You will need to download the new guideline and forms from Bulletin Editors' Contest ( These are all in a new typeface, so it is obvious that you are using the new materials. Due to these
changes, using the revised forms are REQUIRED! Only one entry is allowed per author- or- editor, per category, per club. If this rule is not followed, then all entries for that category for your club will be
removed from competition. With the exception of the Special Publications category. If a club belongs to more than one Regional Federation, the editor must pick ONE federation contest in which to participate.

All entries can be submitted to me electronically to or
you can mail them to me

at: Priscilla Hall-Ford
C/O Bulletin Contest
P.O. Box 818
La Center, WA. 9862

Please make sure you get your entries into me by February 10th 2024
Together we can make this the Best Year Yet!
Priscilla Hall-Ford
NFMS Bulletin Aids Chair