Juniors Program

Juniors Chairperson

Jennifer Fitch
21148 Old US Hwy 93
Florence, MT 59833
Phone: (517) 281-7461

 NFMS Junior Achievement Award

by: Jennifer Fitch
NFMS Juniors Chair

Click here for your signup form and instructions for the 2025 NFMS Junior Achievement Signup Form


It is time for Junior Rockhounds to share their accomplishments from the past 2 years (2023 and 2024)!

The Northwest Federation wants to honor you. You must be paid up and listed as a member of your Club and the NFMS.
Age Group 1: ages up to 7 years
Age Group 2: ages 8 through 1 1
Age Group 3: ages 12 through 15
Age Group 4: ages 16 through 18.

Your age as of December 31, 2024 determines the age category. If you won last year in 2020 you will need to wait until 2024 to enter again UNLESS you move up to the next age category.

Your Resume and Application together require a postmark by February, 2025. Winners will be notified a month later, after the NFMS Judges vote on each candidate's Summary.

If any of this sounds too complicated or if you have any questions just contact me at nfmsjunior@comcast.net OR ask your Juniors Advisor, your parent, or the Federation Director of your Rock Club. Everyone will be delighted to help you in the quest of achieving fame.

Awards will be presented at the NFMS Annual Meeting in Walla Walla, Washingto in Septermber 2025..

Here are your three EZ steps:
1. Write or type a short summary (resume/outline) about what your achievements are for the past 2 years (2023 and 2024), following Sections l, Il, Ill & IV from the GUIDELINE below.
2. Photocopy the APPLICATION from the Northwest Newsletter. Fill out the APPLICATION and have your Rock Club representatives sign their spaces.
3. Mail with a postmark by June 30, 2023, your summary (resume/outline), and completed APPLICATION to the NFMS Junior Committee Chair -

Jennifer Fitch, 21148 Old US Hwy 93, Florence, MT 59833

Guidelines for Junior Achievement Award

Section l. HOBBY RELATED (Possible 45 points) Club involvement (field trips, committees, show participation) Hobby Craft involvement (faceting, lapidary, metals, collecting) Competitive involvement (display, articles, promotion, awards)
Section ll. EDUCATIONAL ACHIEVEMENT (Possible 25 points) Scholastic (honor roll, advanced classes, improvement of grades) 5Extracurricular (sports, drama, debate, drill team, music)
Section Ill. COMMUNITY ACHIEVEMENT (Possible 20 points) Events involvement (charity, volunteer, donation programs) Scouts, Campfire, 4H-Club, Other community groups.
Section IV. WORK RELATED (Possible 10 points)

Does your club have juniors?  

The Northwest Federation of Mineralogical Societies (NFMS) offers a variety of programs for juniors including Future Rockhounds of America (FRA) Badge Program, Rock Pals Rock Exchange, and a Junior’s Newsletter. All of these along with games and activities for all age groups can be found on the new junior’s website at https://www.juniors.amfed.org/ . 

Are you looking to start a junior group in your club? 

The website includes two PowerPoint presentations, How to Start a Junior Program and How to Use the Badge Program, each with step-by-step instructions. All you need is one junior to get the rock rolling! 

Still have questions?

Contact the NFMS Junior’s Chair or the AFMS Junior Programs Chair at youth@amfed.org.

Helpful Documents