Oregon Clubs

Nickname: Beaver State
Official State Gem: Sunstone (1987) | Thunderegg (1965)
Total Clubs: 14

Clackamette Mineral & Gem

Columbia Gorge Rockhounds

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 903
Mailing Address:
15523 NE 215th Ave.
Oregon City, OR 97045
Brush Prarie, WA 98606
Contact Name:
Mary Sparks
Contact Name:
Adam Kneeland
Contact Phone:
Contact Phone:
Meeting Place:
Park Place Church
Meeting Place:
Corbett Fire Hall, 36930 E Historic Columbia River Hwy
13933 Gain St., Oregon City, OR 97045
Corbett, OR 97019
Meeting Time:
7pm - 3rd Tuesday of each month(EXCEPT Jul)
Meeting Time:
7:30pm - 1st Thursday of each month.
Email Contact:
Email Contact:
Web Site:
Web Site:
The Clackamette Gem

Columbia-Willamette Faceters' Guild

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 785
Fairview, OR 97024
Contact Name:
Sue Steward
Contact Phone:
Meeting Place:
St. Andrew Lutheran Church - Fellowship Hall
12405 SW Butner Rd, Beaverton, OR 97005
Meeting Time:
7:00pm - 1st Tuesday of each month.
Email Contact:
Web Site:

Far West Lapidary & Gem Society

Hatrockhounds Gem & Mineral Society

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 251
Mailing Address:
P.O Box 1122
Coos Bay, OR 97420
Herminston, OR 97838-3122
Contact Name:
Don Innes
Contact Name:
Mike Filarski
Contact Phone:
Contact Phone:
Meeting Place:
Faith Lutheran Church,
Meeting Place:
First Christian Church,
2741 Sherman Ave, North Bend, OR 97459
775 W. Highland Ave, Herminston, OR
Meeting Time:
7pm - 1st & 3rd Tuesday of each month
Meeting Time:
6:30pm - 2nd Tuesday of each month.
5:30p, other Tuesdays
Email Contact:
Email Contact:
Web Site:
Web Site:
Hatrockhound Gazette

Lower Umpqua Gem & Mineral Society

Mailing Address:
69833 Stage Road
North Bend, OR 97459
Contact Name:
Bill Ice
Contact Phone:
Meeting Place:
Winchester Bay Community Cneter,
Winchester, OR
Meeting Time:
2pm - 2nd Tuesday of each month.
Email Contact:
Web Site:
Agate Licker

Mount Hood Rock Club

Prineville Rockhound Pow-Wow Association

Mailing Address:
Mailing Address:
PO Box 671
Prineville, OR 97754-0668
Contact Name:
Barbara A. Brandt
Contact Name:
Jan Van Cura
Contact Phone:
Contact Phone:
Meeting Place:
Gresham United Methodist Church,
Meeting Place:
Prineville Fair Grounds
620 NW 8th St,Gresham, OR
Meeting Time:
7pm - 2nd Tuesday & 4th Monday of each month.
Meeting Time:
3rd Weekend in June
Email Contact:
Email Contact:
Web Site:
Web Site:
The Rock-It

Oregon Agate & Mineral Society

Mailing Address:
4821 Grant St.
Portland, OR 97215
Contact Name:
Sharon or Craig Prier
Contact Phone:
Meeting Place:
Powelhurst Baptist Church,
3435 SE 112th,Portland,OR (112th & Powell)
Meeting Time:
7:30pm - 1st&3rd Friday of each month.
Email Contact:
Web Site:
Oregon Rockhound Bulletin

Springfield Thunderegg Rock Club

Sweet Home Rock & Mineral Society

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 312
Mailing Address:
P.O Box 2279
Springfield, OR 97477
Lebanon, OR 97355
Contact Name:
Trish Adams
Contact Name:
Cathee Bethel
Contact Phone:
Contact Phone:
Meeting Place:
Willama Lane Adult Activity Ctr.,
Meeting Place:
Santiam Place,
215 West C. St,Springfield, OR
139 Main St, Lebanon, OR
Meeting Time:
7pm - 2nd Tuesday of each month.
Meeting Time:
6:30pm - 2nd Wednesday of each month
(Except Aug.)
Email Contact:
Email Contact:
Web Site:
Web Site:
Springfield Thunderegg Rock News

Trails End Gem & Mineral Club

Tualatin Valley Gem Club

Mailing Address:
41565 Hillcrest Loop
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 641
Astoria, OR 97103
Forest Grove, OR 97116-0641
Contact Name:
Margie Tomlinson
Contact Name:
William L Harvey Jr
Contact Phone:
Contact Phone:
Meeting Place:
Clatsop Community College
Meeting Place:
Forest Grove Senior Ctr.,
Columbia Hall Commons 1651 - Lexington Ave. Astoria
2037 Douglas,Forest Grove,OR 97116
Meeting Time:
7pm - 2nd Monday of each month.
Meeting Time:
7:30 PM on the second Thursday and 7 PM on the fourth Thursday of each month except December
Email Contact:
Email Contact:
Web Site:
Web Site:

Willamette Agate & Mineral Society

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 13041
Salem, OR 97309-1041
Contact Name:
Richard Iig
Contact Phone:
Meeting Place:
Salem Senior Center.,
2615 Portland Rd NE, Salem, OR
Meeting Time:
6:30pm - 1st Thursday of each month.
Email Contact:
Web Site: